$ Billion
TCG has generated $4.0 billion in returns for its partners and portfolio.
Across its two-decade history, TCG has nurtured science into successful biotech ventures, having started and invested in 55 companies.
TCG has funded key advancements within biology, chemistry and technology, leading to 18 company exits.
The TCG Ecosystem
Pursuing the Unprecedented
TCG takes a novel approach to venture capital funding with an edge-to-edge investment model primarily focused on company formation but with the financial wherewithal for long-term private and public capital support. This model exists within an ecosystem of funds, each with a clear strategy and focus, and all with a mandate of maximizing success through collaborative action. TCG Platform funds, TCG Opportunity funds, TCG Labs-Soleil and TCG Crossover (TCGX) wield complementary approaches for deploying capital and work together to propel technology platforms, single assets and later-stage programs forward from inception through exit.
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